FAMU’s Annual Fundraising Campaign Raises A Record $23.1M

By Andrew Skerritt

Florida A&M University’s 2021-2022 annual giving campaign raised a record $23.1 million so far, a 70 percent increase over a year ago.

President Larry Robinson, Ph.D., who was credited with being the annual campaign’s chief fundraiser, said the phenomenal increase in annual giving will make a big difference to the achievement of the University’s student success priorities.

“It gives us a lot more flexibility in providing support for our students, faculty, and other needs in the University. I’m proud of the people who were so generous to make that happen – our corporate partners, foundations, alumni, and individuals who gave,” Robinson said. “It is well appreciated. I am thankful, and it will go to some very sound, useful purposes.”

The success of the annual campaign was highlighted by Vice President for University Advancement and Executive Director of the FAMU Foundation Shawnta Friday-Stroud, Ph.D., during her report to the FAMU Board of Trustees Direct Support Organizations Committee on Thursday.

Among the gifts, 48.6 percent came from corporations, 15.4 percent from the alumni, 11.1 percent from the Foundation, and 11.9 percent from friends of the University.

In 2020-2021, the giving campaign raised a record $13.6 million.  A decade ago, the University raised $4.7 million.

Friday-Stroud said events following the 2020 death of George Floyd helped boost giving, but high inflation, the persistent COVID-19 pandemic and the changing economic climate could put a damper on giving in the future.

Funds raised by the annual campaign contribute to scholarships, athletics, emergency assistance and other initiatives. Some donations bolster the FAMU Endowment, which has an investment value of $159.8 million, up from $156 million on Sept. 30, 2021. The endowment is valued at $122 million, up from $115 million last September, Friday-Stroud said.