UNCF Empower Me Tour Returns in-person, Offering On-Site Job Opportunities, Internships, and Scholarships

Courtesy of Shaw University

UNCF (The United Negro College Fund) is launching its college and career roadshow to help students of color seeking career advice assistance to connect the dots after graduation and to build on the current economic recovery. The UNCF Empower Me Tour (EMT) is a free college-and-career-readiness opportunity that is returning in-person for its Fall 2022 Tour, after being virtual for the last two years. The UNCF EMT was created 15 years ago by founding sponsor Wells Fargo to inspire students to take control of their futures by pursuing a four-year college degree and graduating with an education that prepares them for robust life engagement and successful careers.

The kick-off event will be Friday, Sept. 30, at Shaw University in North Carolina, running from 9:30am to 3:45pm. Students from both UNCF-supported historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) as well as all other accredited colleges in the surrounding areas will be invited to attend and participate.

“We are a proud sponsor of EMT,” said Gigi Dixon, Wells Fargo head of external engagement for Diverse Segments, Representation, and Inclusion. “Our employees are looking forward to engaging with students again in-person sharing their knowledge and expertise. Participating students have bright futures and our team is focused on helping each of them define and pursue their career goals.”

College students attending EMT events receive expert tips on job interviews and personal finances in addition to empowerment and personal branding advice. They also have the opportunity to interview during the event with select companies for internships or first-year job placements.

The UNCF EMT, also sponsored by FedEx, P&G, Toyota, and Walton Family Foundation, has offered more than $25 million in scholarships and impacted thousands of students since its inception.