SAU Students Return to Campus for Fresh Falcon Week

Courtesy of Saint Augustine’s University

This week, hundreds of incoming and returning Saint Augustineā€™s University (SAU) student residents from across the country unloaded their vehicles to move into their on-campus homes. While embracing their teary-eyed loved ones, students introduced themselves to their roommates and settled into their homes away from home.

The annual return of students to SAUā€™s campus consists of dozens of student leaders and student-athletes volunteering to greet students, help carry boxes and luggage, and answer questions.

Move-in kicked off Fresh Falcon Week, a university-wide effort to celebrate and engage incoming and returning students. It provided opportunities for students to meet each other, engage with resources, and grow their SAU pride.

Fresh Falcon Week consisted of several programs and events, such as Welcome to the Aug with university leadership, Inflatable Olympics, and Spirit Night, which culminated with the annualĀ Stone of Hope Induction and Pinning Ceremony for first-year students.