Howard University Expands Its Partnership with IEI:Lead to Increase Learning Opportunities for Aspiring School District Leaders

By Brittany Bailer

The Howard University School of Education is excited to collaborate with theĀ Institute for Education Innovation (IEI)Ā to drive greater equity in K-12 administration and build pathways toward leadership for educators.

The IEI is a national school superintendent think tank working to ensure that empowered leaders have the influence, access, resources, and support to empower their students.

Cohort participants will also be offered 55 continuing education hours as well as a certificate from Howard University by completing a practitioner-oriented capstone project. The capstone will challenge participants to combine what they learn throughout the programs with their professional experience to analyze a real-world issue, providing practical recommendations to their district leadership teams.

Shawn Joseph, EdD, assistant professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, will help direct programs for IEI: Lead, which empowers school principals to step into administrative roles and prepares district leaders for superintendent positions through mentorship and leadership development.

Through the IEI:Lead Winter 2024 Aspiring Superintendent and Aspiring District Leader cohorts, Joseph will be joined by renowned education leaders to help participants gain a deeper understanding of their leadership style and strengths, practice their skills with mock board interviews, and role-play scenarios and simulations. Participants will also discover actionable solutions they can tailor to their districtā€™s needs to ensure equitable learning opportunities and improved student outcomes.

ā€œAfter overseeing the Winter 2023 cohort and observing the strides our participants made in their professional growth, Iā€™m excited to help visionary leaders shape the future of their districts and improve student achievement,ā€ Joseph said. ā€œThe partnership between IEI and Howard University plays a key role in moving K-12 innovation forward.ā€

Over the course of the Winter 2024 cohorts, Joseph will be joined by Sarena Shivers, EdD, deputy executive director of professional learning and member services, Michigan Association of Superintendents and Administrators, Traci Davis, superintendent emeritus, and Tom Burton, superintendent emeritus, to host virtual sessions with new and aspiring district leaders. They will share their own unique perspectives, insights, and guidance.

ā€œHoward Universityā€™s School of Educationā€™s collaboration with IEI:Lead and our launch of the new Aspiring District Leader Institute are two huge milestones in IEIā€™s commitment to nurture the next generation of exceptional educational leaders,ā€ saidĀ Doug Roberts, founder and CEO of IEI. ā€œOur continued relationship with Howard University provides our IEI:Lead participants with support on their journeys to becomes champions of equity and student achievement.ā€

The Winter 2024 Cohorts are open to all aspiring leaders, including non-IEI member districts. Classes begin November 7, 2023, culminating with a graduation celebration on March 10, 2024, in Puerto Rico, site of the IEIā€™s National 2024 Spring Summit.