ASU Buzz Tour Heads to Mobile

By Hazel Scott

The excitement is back, as Alabama State University’s Buzz Tour will be on the road again. On November 2, shortly after sunrise, a busload of ASU faculty, administrators, staff and students will get a chance to showcase what the University has to offer to perspective students.  As they roll out from the Dunn-Oliver Acadome, the Buzz Tour is bound for a one-day journey, with one stop on the way — Bishop State Community College.

“The Buzz Tour is in conjunction with the Port City Classic events in Mobile,” said Dr. Freddie Williams, assistant vice-president for Student Affairs/Enrollment Management/Admissions & Recruitment. “Our visit to Bishop State Community College will expose students to a different academic environment and foster a sense of community and collaboration between our institutions.”

Williams noted that the Buzz Tour is a crucial initiative for the University, offering prospective students a unique chance to explore new horizons and broaden their educational experiences.

The one-stop tour will host a session for high schoolers in the morning and an evening event with alumni.  The alumni will also host a parent night.

The hallmark of the Buzz Tour is the presentation of scholarships. Students attending the tour will have a chance to qualify for scholarships, with some being awarded on-the-spot.

“Right now, we know we will be presenting six scholarships to deserving students,” Williams added.

In 2019, ASU and Bishop State Community College signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to formalize partnership programs for students and provide a pathway for students who have achieved their two-year or associate degrees to enroll at ASU to attain their bachelor’s degrees.