Founders’ Day Convocation delivers hope to JSU community amidst loss

By William H. Kelly, III

Jackson State University celebrated 146 years of legacy during its 2023 annual Founders’ Day Convocation held Tuesday, Oct. 17. Community members, alumni, faculty, staff, and students gathered on the Gibbs-Green Pedestrian Walkway to reflect on the history and future of Jackson State, with keynote speaker and JSU alumna Jennifer Love.

“This is a time to pay homage to our past as we carry forward the JSU legacy and the rich traditions that lie at the very heart of who we are as Jacksonians. We started in 1877 from humble beginnings with a handful of students to become one of the largest high research activity HBCUs in the country. That alone should let you know that overcoming is very possible for us,” said Acting President Elayne Hayes-Anthony, Ph.D., during welcome remarks.

Heartfelt sentiments and themes of overcoming trials and tribulations were woven throughout the program as the JSU community mourned and honored the life of Jaylen Burns, a senior industrial technology student from Chicago, who was the victim of gun violence. Burns was a member of campus organizations such as Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Collegiate 100, and Men of Excellence.

Hayes-Anthony closed, “We are a campus community that unites in times of tribulation. We forge new paths if we encounter an obstacle we cannot move. We embrace change and use those experiences to improve life for others and all of the students that we touch. So let us strengthen our resolve and continue to prop up one another as we strive to create a better future and a better tomorrow.”

The JSU University Choir, led by Director of Choral Activities Harry Mathurin-Cecil, D.M.A., set the stage for Love’s keynote address with a selection titled “Rest” by Ken Burton.

She dedicated her speech to the 2023 Homecoming theme “Thee Legacy Continues…,” while noting tales of her grandfather, a Mississippi farmer and self-proclaimed “third-grade scholar,” who taught Love that she was a “genius” and could be anything she wanted to be. According to Love, this became evident when she was sworn into the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as a special agent “on a cold day” in January 1987.

“Both men had something in common because both were dreamers, and both passed on something of value to those who came after them…Today, as we celebrate Founders’ Day and the life and legacy of H.P. Jacobs, we must remember that his legacy is not only a testament to his individual accomplishments but also the enduring impact of education. The potential for greatness lies in a dream. Every accomplishment starts with a dream, and every dream has three things: strength, faith and courage,” Love said.

“Jacob’s remarkable life in bondage to becoming the founding father underscores the importance of education in overcoming…His story serves as a testament that knowledge is a liberating force capable of breaking change and opening doors of new possibilities. His life was a testament to the idea that extraordinary things can emerge from the most unexpected places. The legacy of H.P. Jacobs continues and has paved the way for the bright future for the next generation of countless Jacksonians who are thriving and prospering and making a difference in all kinds of spaces.”

Love mentioned alums such as GMA3 anchor DeMarco Morgan, U.S. Senator Laphonza Butler, and entertainment entrepreneur Cortez Bryant, who are making monumental strides in their respective fields and further serving as examples of the ongoing legacy at JSU.

In 2014, Love was recognized as one of the most powerful women in Cable and served as senior vice president and chief security officer for Cablevision Systems Corporation. During her 25-year-long FBI career, she received awards such as the 2010 Presidential Rank Award for Meritorious Service, conferred by former U.S. President Barack Obama.

She held numerous managerial and leadership positions in the field and at the FBI Headquarters, including managing two FBI Field Offices as the special agent in charge, and as assistant director of the security division upon retiring. Today, she is the vice president of Kristi House, an organization dedicated to healing and eradicating child sexual abuse and trafficking of children in Miami.

The “unapologetically Christian” global thought leader and motivational speaker encouraged all present to lean on the community in their times of need, especially on the road to success.

“You see, in life, no one accomplishes anything by themselves. Any successes that I may have had come from people who have gone before me and left something, a gift, a lesson that they dropped into my spirit,” echoed Love, who went on to thank the JSU family for the legacy they bring to her alma mater.

“To the faculty, thank you. Remember that your educational legacy shapes the lives of our students. To the staff, thank you because your legacy makes certain that everything may run smoothly for the students for the time that they are here pursuing their education. To our students, your legacy is to create your own unique masterpiece in pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and courage.”

In September 2022, Love established the $100,000 Jennifer Love Criminal Justice Law Enforcement Endowed Scholarship. The scholarship is meant to encourage HBCU students to pursue an education aimed at criminal justice careers while encouraging HBCU alumni to give to HBCUs nationwide.

To the audience, Love defined legacy in many ways and emphasized that legacy is also about life and living.

“It’s also a little bit like trying to decide where the best place is to plant a young tree. Ecologists tell us that a young tree grows better when it’s planted in an area with old trees. The reason, it seems, is that the roots of the young trees are able to follow the pathways created by the old trees and implant themselves deeper over time,” Love said.

In closing, Love explained that the roots of many trees; old trees, young trees, and in-between trees – may graft themselves together, creating an interdependent foundation hidden under the grass. In this way, the stronger trees share resources with the young trees, making the whole forest healthy.

“That’s legacy, an interconnection across time with a need for those who have come before us and a responsibility to those who come after us. Today, on this Founders’ Day, let’s plant some trees so the legacy continues.”