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HBCU News - JSU-Princeton research collaborations continue with 4 new projects

JSU-Princeton research collaborations continue with 4 new projects

By L.A. Warren

Jackson State University researchers, in collaboration with Princeton University, begin a second round of projects aimed at addressing some of the nation’s most difficult challenges.

The program is funded by the Princeton Alliance for Collaborative Research and Innovation (PACRI) and was developed in partnership with the United Negro College Fund (UNCF). Each project receives up to $250,000 in funding for a duration of two years.

Each of the collaborations is co-led by a team of researchers from Princeton and one of its five partners at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (Howard University, JSU, Prairie View A&M, Spelman College, and the University of Maryland Eastern Shores). Princeton faculty and colleagues at the five HBCUs proposed the projects.

PACRI aims to foster more inclusive research and innovation. The alliance, with diverse expertise and academics from different disciplines, tackles issues from cybersecurity to climate change to public health and social issues.

The following four second-round research projects, which began in July, are conducted by JSU and Princeton faculty members:

Green Solvent-Based Processing and Passivation of Metal Halide Perovskites for Solar Cell Application

  • Qilin Dai, Ph.D., JSU, Chemistry, Physics and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Antoine Kahn, Ph.D., Princeton, Electrical and Computer Engineering

The 2024 National Black Election Study

  • Byron D’Andra Orey, Ph.D., JSU, Political Science
  • LaFleur Stephens-Dougan, Ph.D., Princeton, Politics

Sustaining Black History through a Regenerative Future: The Margaret Walker Center at JSU

  • Robert Luckett, Ph.D., JSU, Margaret Walker Center
  • Talya Thomas, Ph.D., JSU, Urban and Regional Planning
  • Guy Nordenson, M.S., Princeton, Architecture
  • Paul Lewis, M.Arch., Princeton, Architecture

Optical Preparation and Read-out of Nanosystems Used for Quantum Information Applications

  • Serguei V. Goupalov, Ph.D., JSU, Physics
  • Gregory D. Scholes, Ph.D., Princeton, Chemistry
  • Nathalie de Leon, Ph.D., Princeton, Electrical and Computer Engineering

The groundbreaking PACRI alliance was announced in May 2022 with 10 original projects that kicked off in September 2022. They are now continuing into their second year, and JSU and Princeton are conducting the following two research projects:

Dielectric Performance of Polymer Nanocomposite Heterostructures for High Energy Storage Capacitors

  • Nihar Pradhan, Ph.D., JSU, Chemistry, Physics and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Emily Davidson, Ph.D., Princeton, Chemical and Biological Engineering

The Shifting Safety Net: The Role of Disability Insurance Programs in Household Budgets, Dynamics, and the Broader Community

  • Gloria Billingsley, Ph.D., JSU, Public Policy and Administration
  • Kathryn Edin, Princeton, Ph.D., Sociology and the School of Public and International Affairs
  • Chester Robinson, Ph.D., JSU, Public Policy and Administration