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HBCU News - Washington DC Small Business Development Center Launches Online Marketplace

Washington DC Small Business Development Center Launches Online Marketplace

By Brittany Bailer

The DC Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Howard University is pleased to announce the official launch of its online marketplace, providing entrepreneurs with a digital platform to promote and sell their products and services. In conjunction with this initiative, the SBDC will offer an array of educational workshops and classes to empower entrepreneurs with essential skills and knowledge.

Traditionally, online marketplaces affiliated with SBDCs have been limited to SBDC clients. Carl Brown, the director of the DC SBDC, has decided to take a pioneering approach by introducing an open marketplace that extends to Howard University’s students, faculty, staff, and alumni.

“If we can teach entrepreneurs how to market their businesses, how e-commerce works, compliance with regulations, etc., they will be head and shoulders above the competition. That’s what we’re trying to focus our students, faculty, alumni, and clients on,” said Brown.

Officially launched on October 1, the marketplace invites entrepreneurs and small business owners to list their products and services without incurring any fees or entering any revenue-sharing agreements. This distinctive approach is meant to lower entry barriers for small business owners, allowing them to reach a broader audience and thrive within a supportive environment.

In addition to the marketplace, the DC SBDC will offer a comprehensive curriculum of workshops and classes tailored to empower entrepreneurs with valuable knowledge and skills.

These educational sessions will encompass a diverse range of topics, including marketing strategies, e-commerce best practices, financial management, and more. These opportunities will equip entrepreneurs with the tools they need to excel within the marketplace and in the broader business landscape.