UAPB Extension Project Supports Rice Production in East Africa

Courtesy of the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff

A researcher at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB) has been providing Extension outreach and technical assistance to partners in East Africa. Dr. Sathish Kumar Ponniah, associate professor of plant science for UAPB, has been working with faculty and scientists at the University of Embu in Nairobi, Kenya and the University of Ngozi in Burundi to solve challenges related to rice production, an important staple in many African countries. At the University of Embu, the focus has been on a promising new variety of rice.

“Rice production is increasing in Kenya and across East Africa,” Dr. Ponniah said. “Our partner at the University of Embu, Dr. Paul Nthakanio, has been conducting rice research for over 25 years. A few years ago, he happened on somewhat of a goldmine. He crossbred two varieties of rice to produce a new variety that yields almost double the expected amount.”

Though the high-yielding rice variety shows a lot of promise, it displays some negative characteristics including its chalkiness. Dr. Ponniah said chalkiness is a major problem in rice production, and its presence determines the appearance, milling quality and price of rice in the market.

“Chalk is the opaque area in the rice grain that occurs due to genetic factors, as well as external factors such as heat stress during production,” he said. “Chalkiness causes grains to break during polishing, decreasing the amount of rice for consumption. Broken rice is only worth half the value of head rice in the U.S. and even less in other world markets.”

Through meetings and consultations at the University of Embu, Dr. Ponniah worked with researchers on ways they can potentially reduce chalkiness in their rice variety through the use of gene editing technology while also maintaining its desired qualities such as high yield and fragrance.

“A group of our Kenyan partners visited UAPB in October,” he said. “We introduced them to more gene editing techniques and took them on a tour of UAPB’s state-of-the-art biotechnology lab. Since they are thinking about getting into sweetpotato production, we presented the work of the Sweetpotato Foundation Seed Program, which supplies high-quality, virus-indexed planting materials to farmers.”

Dr. Ponniah’s travel to Kenya was supported by a grant from the 1890 Center of Excellence for Global Food Security and Defense, said Dr. Pamela Moore, associate dean for global engagement for the UAPB Office of International Programs and Studies. This particular grant is designed to enable researchers at UAPB and Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge, Louisiana to assist university counterparts in strengthening the food value chain, taking into account the need for enhanced resiliency as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and anticipated global shocks impacting the agriculture industry.

“Dr. Ponniah’s assessment of the Kenyan rice value chain also included researchers from Burundi,” Dr. Moore said. “Scholars from the University of Ngozi in Burundi, which is also situated in a rice-producing region, were interested in knowledge, resources and skills to develop a biotechnology lab.”

Dr. Ponniah and delegation members visited research centers in the Pishori Rice District, Kenya’s premier rice production region in the country, while also meeting with cooperatives, farmers and other key players in the rice value chain process, she said.

According to Moore, the visit of Kenya exchange partners to UAPB incorporates the second part of the training and technical assistance being provided by Dr. Ponniah. Visiting scholars represented the schools of agriculture at Chuka University, Kenyatta University and the University of Embu. In addition to their program at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, program visits were also arranged at Alcorn State University in Lorman, Mississippi and Southern University.

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