By Candace McDuffie
Black History Month is fast approaching. Although here at The Root we celebrate Black excellence 365 days a year, the origins of the historic month should also be acknowledged. For those who are unsure how it began, Black History Month initially began as a 7-day celebration in 1926.
That year, the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History proclaimed that the second week of February become know as “Negro History Week.” This provision would finally celebrate what Black Americans contributed to the history of the US.
The esteemed historian Carter G. Woodson, whose parents were enslaved, worked with other leaders and activists to start the Association. It is now known as Association for the Study of African American Life and History, which publishes the works of Black researchers and scholars.
Woodson selected February to celebrate Negro History Week because two men who he believed represented freedom for Black folks, Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln, were born during that month. Though it began in the 1920s, it would take decades for Black History Month to become nationally observed.
It wasn’t until the 1960s that college students and teachers encouraged Negro History Week to be celebrated all month long. Soon after, schools and various institutions across the country began to celebrate Black History Month.
Finally, in 1976, President Gerald Ford recognized Black History Month: