Documentary features SC State students’ archeological work at Redcliffe Plantation

Courtesy of South Carolina State University

An online documentary showcases the archeological fieldwork South Carolina State University and Claflin University students conducted over spring break at Redcliffe Plantation State Historic Site.

The video short produced by George “Buddy” Wingard Jr. highlights a collaborative project between SC State the University of South Carolina, Claflin University, South Carolina State Parks, Redcliffe Plantation State Historic Site, and The Savannah River Archaeological Research Program.

All organizations worked together to introduce students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to a hands-on archeological experience.

The archeological spring break experience has been held for the past four years and is part of SC State’s ongoing efforts to introduce HBCU students to the field of archeology and public history. The program is funded by the Wenner-Gren Foundation.