Benedict College Alumni surpass fundraising goal for the 8th consecutive year


Courtesy of Benedict College

Thanks to the unprecedented support from Benedict alumni and friends across the country, the Annual Alumni Fund Campaign surpassed its record-setting $1.5 million goal by $33,000. This year’s success is due to an extraordinary Campaign Leadership team led by the College’s Assistant Vice President, Ada Brown Belton. The leadership team consist of members from around the nation. “This year’s team consists of Chairwoman Dr. Elsie Hamler, co-chairs Marlene McClerklin and Teshine Good, and 10 additional dedicated committee members. The team also included Mrs. Cedelle Gates, president of The Benedict College National Alumni Association, and finally, our Alumni Club Presidents who are the true MVP’s and the BESTofBC.

“Benedict Alumni are the BEST alumni in the world!” I am beyond proud of their dedication to their alma mater, said Dr. Roslyn Clark Artis, President, and CEO of Benedict College. ‘I am grateful to all our supporters for their upward momentum to increase funding to help transform student experiences across the campus. I continue to be impressed with our BEST of BC Tigers for their ongoing surge of giving over the last eight years.”

Annual alumni giving is a good proxy for the value of a college’s network of graduates. Large numbers of donations and participation rates suggest that Benedict’s alumni base is engaged with its alma mater. This achievement also signifies that its alumni are supportive of the institution, its current students, and its recent graduates.

The College’s alumni club presidents did a phenomenal job this year withstanding the challenges of Covid. Of the 63 alumni clubs reporting, more than half or about 54 percent met their goal this year. Kudos to all presidents and club members and especially to the following top ten clubs:

• Columbia #2(SC) $255,491

• Atlanta (GA) $94,342

• Columbia #1(SC) $93,822

• Washington #46(DC) $65,410

• Augusta (GA) $61,013

• Progressive Club (NY) $44,655

• Greenville (SC) $44,561

• South Florida Alumni Club (Fl) $42,250

• Hartsville (SC) $37,050

• Greater Jacksonville (Fl) $32,857

Over the past eight years, alumni have raised $9,865,241 in support of Benedict College. Alumni have provided over $6,849,940 in financial support since the arrival of Dr. Roslyn Artis. Underscoring these efforts, the campaign received major gifts of $210,000 to the campaign. This contribution contributed to the success of this year’s campaign.

The Benedict College alumni have continually demonstrated profound love and support of the college which have propelled contributions into an eight-year streak of exceeding $1 million. This resolute generosity is a testament of the amazing leadership and dedicated work of the Benedict College National Alumni Association, Annual Fund Committee, the alumni club presidents, as well as alumni at large. The stellar leadership of Ada Belton and the Office of Alumni Relations and Advancement Services undergirds all of this unrelenting, tireless orchestration. We deeply appreciate this level of impactful support for the college.

Benedict College has over 60 alumni clubs around the nation, but the Columbia Alumni Club #2, home base for thousands of alums, has the distinction of being the most prominent club and was the club that gave the largest amount ($255,491) to this year’s campaign.

“With profound appreciation, I am so grateful to our leadership team, staff and volunteers who gave selflessly to make this happen. There is no price you can place on a group of self-motivating volunteers committed to the betterment of our students.” said Ada Brown Belton, Assistant Vice President of Alumni R