Campus News - Page 287

​ASU’s Master’s in Rehabilitation Counseling Program Earns CACREP Accreditation

By Hazel Scott Alabama State University’s Master of Science in Rehabilitation Counseling (MRC)  program has earned accreditation from the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) through 2030. Institutions accredited by CACREP, an independent accrediting agency that assures graduate counseling programs throughout the United States and the world meet standards within the counseling profession, must go through a  rigorous accreditation process that involves an extensive self-study report as well as a site visit from a team of outside counselor educators who evaluate the program’s adherence to the CACREP standards.  The CACREP board of directors votes to approve

Tonjia Hope Receives IES Abroad Professional Development Award From IES Abroad At Annual Conference

Courtesy of the Howard University Newsroom Staff Tonija Hope, director of the Ralph J. Bunche International Affairs Center, was presented with the IES Abroad Professional Development Award last week in Chicago. IES Abroad presents this prestigious leadership award at its Annual Conference each year to recognize study abroad professionals’ substantial contributions and achievements to the field. The Professional Development Award recognizes an education abroad professional who has made significant contributions to the field by creatively using resources to promote and support study abroad and has provided leadership in the areas of program development and student services. The awardee is chosen by

Bowie State Places Second in U.S. Postal Service Competition

Courtesy of Bowie State University Students from Bowie State’s Visual Communication & Digital Media Arts (VCDMA) and Department of Communications placed second in the U.S. Postal Service’s (USPS) Direct Effect Innovation Challenge which is designed to encourage teams from colleges and universities to participate in a one-of-a-kind event that brings student teams together to design and develop integrated marketing campaigns in response to real-life business cases. The seven BSU students were challenged to develop social media, print design, direct mail, and other elements of an integrated marketing campaign to support The Arthur Ashe Legacy at UCLA, a non-profit organization that

JSU’s Development Foundation to host inaugural ‘1877 Signature Event’ sponsored by Bank of America

By Kyle Kidd The Jackson State University (JSU) Development Foundation will host the inaugural ‘1877 Signature Event,’ sponsored by Bank of America, at 7 p.m., on Friday, Oct. 28, 2022, at the Jackson Convention Center in downtown Jackson. “It is in the spirit of the university’s mission, “Challenging Minds and Changing Lives,” that we ask everyone to consider donating to Jackson State University,” says Gee Johnson, chairman of the JSU development foundation. “The 1877 Signature Event will be the tip of the spear, fundraising extravaganza for alumni, donors, students, and friends of students.” Walking in stride with the university’s five-year strategic

Dillard receives a $1.3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education for Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program

By D. Miller  Dillard University is among a number of institutions that recently received the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program grant from the U.S. Department of Education. The $1.3 million award is part of a five-year grant designed to provide support services and to encourage eligible undergraduate students to pursue graduate education leading to doctoral degrees. The grant coincides with Dillard’s mission as well as other efforts to increase the number of Dillard graduates entering graduate studies. The grant, which will be directed by Tracie Thomas, pre-health advisor, will function as a program within the Office of the Provost and Vice

N.C. A&T Smith-Jackson Chosen For AASCU’s 2022 New Provosts Academy

By Jackie Torok The American Association of State Colleges and Universities has chosen Tonya Smith-Jackson, Ph.D., provost and executive vice chancellor of Academic Affairs at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, among the 30 exceptional higher education leaders to its 2022 Academy for New Provosts (ANP). ANP is a leadership development program, now in its third year, geared toward the distinctive needs of provosts who lead state colleges and universities. It serves as an opportunity for newly appointed provosts to connect with their state university peers in an environment tailored to the specific challenges a first-time provost is likely

FSU Center for Defense and Homeland Security Manager Named Management Council President of Defense Alliance of North Carolina

Courtesy of Fayetteville State University John A. Bellamy, assistant director and operations manager of Fayetteville State University’s (FSU) Center for Defense and Homeland Security (CDHS), was recently named management council president of the Defense Alliance of North Carolina (DANC). The DANC is a private, nonprofit organization focused on strengthening North Carolina’s defense sector and those who support it. Its mission is to grow the state’s defense economy to create new long-term investments and job opportunities. “I am honored to take on the role of management council president for the DANC, an organization close to my heart,” Bellamy said. “I also look forward to raising

Morgan Expands Foreign Language Program Offerings with Return of Mandarin Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, and Yoruba

Courtesy of Morgan State University In response to increased student demand, Morgan State University’s Department of World Languages and International Studies is offering more variety in its foreign language program courses, further strengthening its commitment to providing students with a global perspective and culturally inclusive education. The new language course additions include the return of Mandarin Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese and Yoruba. Coincidingly, due to the popularity of Italian 101, which was introduced in 2018, the department is expanding the availability of the course throughout the academic year.  Three of the courses — Mandarin Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, and Italian 102 — began being offered to students during the fall 2022

​ASU Receives $1.4 Million Grant for Upward Bound Math and Science Program

By Hazel Scott Alabama State University’s Upward Bound Math and Science (UBMS) program will receive a $1,437,685 grant over a five-year period from the United States Department of Education. ASU’s Upward Bound Math and Science program, now in existence for 30-plus years,  serves students from low-income families who are preparing to enter postsecondary education. The program, which is free,  focuses on intensive instruction in math and science, with the hopes of encouraging students to pursue college degrees in these fields.0 “This grant is evidence of ASU’s commitment to student success in the area of STEM,” said  Dr. Acquanetta Pinkard,  ASU’s

Bison Celebrate 7th Annual Lavender Reception

Courtesy of Howard University The ballroom in the Armour J. Blackburn University Center was transformed into an elegant event space with lavender balloon arches and white drapes as Bison gathered to celebrate the seventh annual Lavender Reception on Wednesday. “The event is to raise awareness for queer students,” said Laten Jordan, the president of CASCADE, Coalition of Activist Students Celebrating the Acceptance of Diversity and Equality, the official undergraduate LGBTQ+ student organization at Howard University. CASCADE started the annual event during homecoming week to support lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and/or queer individuals within the Bison community through fundraising for scholarships

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