Campus News - Page 310

Savannah State Announces New Partnership with Grand Valley State University

Courtesy of Savannah State University Today officials at Savannah State University (SSU) held a signing ceremony to celebrate a new partnership with Grand Valley State University (GVSU), that will offer SSU students an expedited pathway to earn a Master of Science degree in three areas of study – Communications, Criminal Justice and Cybersecurity. “This partnership capitalizes on Savannah State University’s strong foundation in STEM and social science education, and we are proud to partner with GVSU on this exciting alliance to further student success,” said SSU President Kimberly Ballard-Washington, J.D. “We are continually seeking opportunities that remove barriers and position

Cheyney University Awarded $200,000 To Support Program That Enhances Black Talent Pipeline For Healthcare Professionals

Courtesy of Cheyney University of Pennsylvania Cheyney University of Pennsylvania today announced it was awarded a $200,000 grant from the Propel Center, the global HBCU technology and learning hub, to support the university’s Bridge for Black Americans Pursuing Medicine (BBAPM) program. The BBAPM program will provide undergraduate Cheyney students with exposure to non-traditional, high-demand careers in medicine. Through a partnership with AtlantiCare, a health system serving southern New Jersey, 25 students majoring in Biology with pre-health concentrations will participate in the immersion program during winter or summer break. The grant will help fund portions of the program that will give

Fayetteville State University Partners with City, County to Launch Innovation and Entrepreneurship Hub

Courtesy of Fayetteville State University Fayetteville State University (FSU), the City of Fayetteville and Cumberland County will officially launch the Fayetteville-Cumberland Regional Entrepreneur and Business HUB at its new home on Murchison Road in Fayetteville adjacent to the FSU campus. This first-of-its-kind HUB will help local entrepreneurs and established business owners improve operations, access professional training, secure capital and obtain crucial certifications with the goal of obtaining new business opportunities. Leaders from Fayetteville State University, the City of Fayetteville and Cumberland County will hold a ribbon-cutting and grand opening event at the HUB’s Bronco Square location on Wednesday, September 14 at 8:30

Anthony Solomon from Hampton University Awarded SMART Scholarship

Courtesy of Hampton University  Anthony Solomon, a Hampton University student, was awarded the Department of Defense Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship. This award provides students with full tuition for up to five years, mentorship, summer internships, a stipend, and full-time employment with the Department of Defense after graduation. This unique opportunity offers students hands-on experience at one of over 200 innovative laboratories across the Army, Navy, Air Force and larger Department of Defense. During summer internships, SMART scholars work directly with an experienced mentor, gaining valuable technical skills. After graduation, Solomon will work at the National Geospatial-Intelligence

U.S. News & World Report Ranks Claflin University Among Best Colleges

Courtesy of Claflin University Claflin University has been ranked No. 9 among the 2022-2023 Best Historically Black Colleges/Universities (HBCUs) by U.S. News & World Report. Claflin has earned a spot in the U.S. News Top 10 Best HBCUs for 12 consecutive years. The University is ranked No. 1 in Annual Alumni Giving Percentage among HBCUs andNo. 20 in the Top Performers on Social Mobility category among national liberal arts colleges/universities. Now in its 38th year, the rankings evaluate more than 1,450 colleges and universities on up to 17 measures of academic quality. “We are tremendously pleased with our rise in

AGB Elects Morgan State University’s President to its Board of Directors

Courtesy of Morgan State University The Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges (AGB) —the premier organization advocating strategic board governance in higher education—announced today that Morgan State University President David K. Wilson was elected to the AGB Board of Directors, joining 14 other distinguished leaders. President Wilson is the first president of a Historically Black College and University (HBCU) to serve on the AGB board in its 101-year history. He was one of four higher education leaders elected. The other new electees included Paul Brajcich, who serves on the board of Gonzaga University in Washington; Katherine Sawyer, the executive director of the Oakton Community

JSU alum Jonas Adams named director at NPR, credits the power of networking

By Anthony Howard Jackson State University alumnus Jonas Adams was recently appointed director of National Public Radio’s (NPR) flagship show “All Things Considered.”  Adams describes the promotion as one of the most rewarding roles he’s had in his career. “It’s a job I really never saw myself doing. I’ve been in radio for 20 years, so when I got this position, it was a huge sigh of relief,” said Adams. “It was a huge relief to know I finally settled in a position that utilizes all of my skills.” “All Things Considered” is a weekday show led by five hosts presenting breaking news

Denny’s And Getty Images Partner To Launch Grant For HBCU Students

Getty Images and Denny’s announced their partnership to foster the Getty Images Photo Archive Grants for HBCUs. Getty Images and Denny’s announced their new partnership and grant at the Martha’s Vineyard African American Film Festival, during the Preserving the History of HBCUs Together panel discussion. The panel’s participants consisted of Brenda Lauderback, Denny’s Board Chair; Cassandra Illidge, Vice President of Global Partnerships and Executive Director of the HBCU Grants Program at Getty Images; and Thomas K. Hudson, J.D., President of Jackson State University. Ebony reports that through this partnership Denny’s will disburse stipends to students attending the HBCUs who have been chosen as the recipients of the Getty Images Photo Archive

TSU Says Southern Heritage Classic More Than Just a Football Game

By Emmanuel Freeman Linda Parrish has been coming to the Southern Heritage Classic since it started 33 years ago. Each year, she looks forward to the second weekend in September for the replay of tradition, camaraderie, homecoming, and most of all, the rivalry on the football field. “I remember when the classic first started with TSU playing Grambling State University, and how it has evolved into one of the premier Black college football showcases in the nation,” says Parrish, a 1976 TSU graduate, and a retired registered nurse from Miami. The classic is more than the action on the field for

A&T Leadership Studies Department to Present Leadership Ethics Seminar Series

By Jackie Torok The Leadership Studies and Adult Education Department at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University is offering a leadership ethics seminar series, “Ethical Leadership, Decision-Making and Research in Modern Times.” The department, which is housed in N.C. A&T’s College of Education, will present the five-part series that features graduates of the university’s leadership studies doctoral program. The series is open to N.C. A&T students, staff and faculty. Each part of the virtual series will be from 6 to 8 p.m. The dates, speakers and topics are: Thursday, Sept. 15, Ernest Cuthbertson ’18, “Leadership Ethics, Wealth-building and Politics in Modern

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