Campus News - Page 44

Morehouse School of Medicine Receives Record Donation to an HBCU

By Helena Oliviero The largest-ever gift for historically Black colleges and universities was announced Tuesday by Michael R. Bloomberg’s philanthropic organization: $600 million will be divided among the country’s four HBCU medical schools, which includes Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta. The gift is intended to address systemic underinvestment in Black institutions and communities by helping diversify the next generation of doctors, according to the announcement from Bloomberg Philanthropies. Morehouse School of Medicine will receive $175 million — the largest single donation the school has ever received. The new funding will more than double three of the four medical schools’

Clark Atlanta Rejects Trump Claim That He ‘Saved’ the University

By Sara Weissman Clark Atlanta University leaders have pushed back on Donald Trump’s claims that he “saved” the historically Black institution when he spoke at a rally at Georgia State University on Saturday. During the rally, the Republican presidential nominee invited up Michaelah Montgomery, a Clark Atlanta alumna and conservative activist. Trump recounted to the crowd how he first met her in a restaurant earlier this year, and he said she thanked him for the federal COVID-19 relief funds that went to historically Black colleges and universities during the pandemic. “She looks at me, says, ‘It’s President Trump. You saved

Bloomberg gives $600 million to Black medical schools’ endowments

Michael Bloomberg’s organization Bloomberg Philanthropies is announcing a $600 million gift to the endowments of four historically Black medical schools. Bloomberg, the former New York City mayor and the billionaire founder of Bloomberg LP, will make the announcement Tuesday in New York at the annual convention of the National Medical Association, an organization that advocates for African American physicians. “This gift will empower new generations of Black doctors to create a healthier and more equitable future for our country,” Bloomberg said in a statement. Black Americans fare worse in measures of health compared with white Americans, an Associated Press series

A Change in Leadership at Florida A&M University

Courtesy of Florida A&M University Tim Beard has been selected to serve as interim president of Florida A&M University. The appointment follows the recent resignation of former president Larry Robinson, who will officially step down from his role on August 4. Florida A&M University, a historically Black institution in Tallahassee, enrolls over 7,700 undergraduate and 1,500 graduate students. Black students represent about 88 percent of the undergraduate population. Dr. Beard most recently served as president of Pasco-Hernando State College in Spring Hill, Florida. He began his presidency in 2015 and served in the role until his retirement earlier this year. Over the

Howard University Celebrates 100th Homecoming October 13-20

By Monica Lewis With less than 100 days until Homecoming, Howard University is preparing to celebrate it’s 100th Homecoming under this year’s theme, “100th Homecoming: Howard University Yard of Fame.”  Howard Homecoming Week kicks off on Sunday, October 13 with a special Call to Chapel and the 2024 Royal Court Coronation. Additional events throughout the week include the Lavender Reception, Student Fashion Show, Greek Step Show, Yardfest, Homecoming Parade, Young Alumni Day Party Brunch and Alumni Jazz Brunch. In addition to the parade and game, the University is planning special activities to commemorate the centennial celebration and will not have the

MSM Receives Historic $175 Million Donation from Bloomberg Philanthropies

Courtesy of Morehouse School of Medicine Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) today announced a $175 million donation to its endowment from Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Greenwood Initiative which is the largest grant from a single organization in the medical school’s nearly 50-year history. The gift marks the largest gift given to a single Historically Black College and University (HBCU) surpassing the $100 million donation to Spelman College in Atlanta last year. The donation is part of a combined $600 million investment by Bloomberg Philanthropies in the nation’s four historically Black medical schools, which, in addition to MSM, include Charles R. Drew University of

Foundation To Honor A&T Students For Promoting Civic Leadership Among Youth

By Jackie Torok The Andrew Goodman Foundation (AGF) will honor North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University students and twin brothers, Brandon L. Daye and Bryan L. Daye of Burlington, North Carolina, as it commemorates the 60th anniversary of Freedom Summer 1964. Brandon Daye, who is working toward a B.S. in agribusiness, B.S. in supply chain management and professional certificates in Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Business Analytics, and Waste Management, is being recognized as an inaugural member of the foundation’s Alumni Hall of Fame. Launched in honor of the 10th anniversary of the Andrew Goodman Vote Everywhere program, the first Hall of Fame cohort consists

Monica Williams Named First President of Texas Woman’s University at Houston

Courtesy of Texas Women’s University Monica G. Williams has been named the inaugural president of the Houston campus at Texas Woman’s University. She will begin her new role on August 26. Across its three campuses in Denton, Dallas, and Houston, Texas Woman’s University enrolls over 5,800 graduate students and 10,000 undergraduate students, 17 percent of whom are Black. The Houston campus has a primary focus on advanced degrees in healthcare. Most recently, Dr. Williams served as foundation president and vice president of advancement at the University of North Texas at Dallas. She has an extensive background in fundraising, previously holding

GRA Eminent Scholar named to lead Georgia’s Solve Sickle Cell Initiative

Courtesy of Morehouse School of Medicine An accomplished researcher in genetics and sickle cell disease is returning to Georgia to lead a science and medical collaborative that aims to find new treatments and cures for the disease. Solomon F. Ofori-Acquah, PhD, is currently director of two research enterprises, both of which he started: the West African Genetic Medicine Centre at the University of Ghana and the Center for Translational and International Hematology at the University of Pittsburgh. Upon arriving in Georgia in September, Ofori-Acquah will have a joint faculty appointment at Emory University and Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) as

Howard University Selected to Participate in $160M EPA Project to Help Reduce Climate Pollution from Construction Materials Manufacturing

By Hayya Shah On July 16, the Biden-Harris Administration announced that Howard University has recently been selected to participate in the $160M U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) project for reducing embodied greenhouse gas emissions for construction materials and products.  Over 15% of annual global greenhouse gas emissions are estimated annually by the EPA as being emitted from the extracting, transporting, and manufacturing of construction materials and products such as steel. This transformative project will fund 38 grants ranging from $250,000  to $10 million from President Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act reserve to report on and reduce climate pollution from these materials, making

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