U.S. Department Of Agriculture Announces $30.8 Million Investment To 19 HBCUs
By Quintesssa Williams The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced an investment of $30.8 million as part of its commitment to all 19 of America’s designated 1890 historically black Land-grant Universities. This investment, made through the National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s 1890 Institution Teaching, Research and Extension Capacity Building Grants Program will support scientific research that addresses some of our nation’s toughest agricultural challenges. The HBCUs receiving the grant awards are: Alabama A&M University (4 awards); Alcorn State University (5 awards): Central State University (2 awards); Delaware State University (3 awards); Florida A&M University (6 awards): Fort Valley State University (4 awards): Kentucky State University (4 awards); Langston University (2 awards); Lincoln University (4 awards): North Carolina A&T State University (1 award): Prairie View A&M University (4 awards); South Carolina State