Campus News - Page 66

Five Years of Howard Forward: A Retrospective Look at Strategic Achievements and Future Directions

Written By Howard University Newsroom Staff Howard University released a retrospective assessment of the progress made toward aspirations set by the Howard Forward Strategic Plan. Launched in 2019 under the leadership of President Emeritus Wayne A. I. Frederick, M.D., MBA, Howard Forward has bolstered academic excellence, research capacity, and financial stability at the University. Led by the Office of the Chief Strategy Officer, the Howard Forward Retrospective Assessment reflects a thorough review of the University’s plans of implementation and impact, involving a broad cross-section of the Howard community through online surveys, in-person workshops, and qualitative interviews with students, staff, and

Golden Graduate Reunion Fuels Reflection, Investment for Class of 1974

Courtesy of Grambling State University It is not often you get the opportunity to celebrate with classmates of 50 years during Commencement. The last class of Grambling College, 29 Golden Graduates, and their families came together for a once-in-a-lifetime class reunion at Grambling State University. Dr. Shirley Newton and her daughter Chelsea Newton packed their bags and came from Maryland to be a part of a Golden Experience. “I loved my time here and made many lifelong friends. I have no bad memories at Grambling,” Dr. Newton said. “One of my greatest memories was the Isley Brothers and Bobby Womack.

Natural Science Lead Tutors Seek to Create Safe Space for Students

Courtesy of Bowie State University Dr. Seye Olafimihan and Dr. Ajiri Eroraha are igniting a wave of academic empowerment in Bowie State University’s Department of Natural Sciences with their innovative tutoring program, “Let’s Taco Bout It”, that aims to equip students with the tools they need to excel in their studies. This initiative is funded and administered through the auspices of the Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences Program, also known as CURE. Held in Room 3122 of the Center for Natural Sciences Mathematics & Nursing Mondays through Thursdays from 5:30-6 PM, and Fridays from 12-1 p.m., the initiative’s mission is to

FAMU Board Of Trustees Unanimously Vote For ‘External Firm’ To Investigate $237 Million Donation

By Quintessa Williams The Florida A&M Board of Trustees convened a meeting on Wednesday to discuss the next steps following a historic $237 million donation that the Rattlers received during their Spring commencement ceremony. The donation was given by the Issac Batterson Seventh Family Trust and CEO Gregory Gerami, who also served as the keynote speaker for the ceremony. During the nearly two-hour meeting, the Board of Trustees unanimously voted to commission an external investigation to look into the details of the substantial donation. determine what happened regarding the donation perform an independent audit and analysis of the process, policies, and financial controls recommend actions

Global Followership Conference Advocates Collaboration at Bowie

Courtesy of Bowie State University Almost 200 representatives from nations from around the globe, including faculty and students from Bowie State University, attended the 3rd Annual Global Followership Conference at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland to exchange information about the importance of learning how to recognize and utilize strong followers to achieve goals and objectives set by organizations.  Conference organizers sought to elevate and highlight followership skills and the numerous benefits to people, their careers, various organizations and society. Many believe there has been too much emphasis placed on leaders and leadership skills that hasn’t always resulted in positive

Morgan State University Journalism Students to Leverage AI Technology to Advance Traditional Sports Reporting

Courtesy of Morgan State University Morgan State University’s School of Global Journalism and Communication (SGJC), one of only two Maryland-based Universities with an internationally accredited journalism school, aims to revolutionize and advance traditional sports reporting utilizing artificial intelligence (AI). The new research and development effort, which comes by way of a unique interdisciplinary collaboration between SGJC’s Center for the Study of Race and Culture in Sports and the University’s Center for Equitable AI and Machine Learning Systems (CEAMLS) and external collaborator JRSportBrief Productions, will use AI to develop post-game sports content including automated box scores and video news reports. The project will be

Student Success Champion: Q&A With Ruthie (Teri) Little-Berry, University of the District of Columbia

By Ashley Mowreader Ruthie Little-Berry has spent two decades working in higher education, but she first identified her passion for students working as a recruiter during her master’s program on the road talking to students about the power of a college degree. “You’re literally changing people’s lives when you help bring them into a higher education environment,” says Little-Berry, who goes by Teri. “Particularly if you’re working with minority students, you are working with students who are deemed to be at risk most of the time. So it’s an opportunity to really help change their trajectory in life.” This past

Founding Director Melanie Carter Enlightens the Path for Black Educators’ Success through the HBCU Research, Leadership and Policy Center

By Pyper Harvey As the founding director of the Howard University Center for HBCU Research, Leadership, and Policy, Melanie Carter, Ph.D., believes strongly in forming scholarly connections through learning. “Teaching fuels all the work that I do,” Carter explained. “The opportunity to engage and learn from burgeoning scholars and higher education professionals elevates my perspectives and keeps me focused on why I chose to be a scholar, researcher, and administrator.” Established in 2021, the HBCU Center seeks to serve as a generator and repository of empirical research that examines issues of significance to HBCUs through collaboration, advocacy, and a shared

Messy! Florida HBCU Deals With Ugly Aftermath After Discovering $238 Million ‘Gift’ Was a Hoax

By Candace McDuffie On Wednesday, Florida A&M University President Larry Robinson apologized for a $237 million donation that has seemingly been deemed fraudulent. Batterson Farms Corp. CEO Gregory Gerami was responsible for the major gift. The good news was shared on May 4 and immediately received national praise. However, some questioned the validity of such a large amount of money being given to an HBCU. Robinson revealed that ultimately the gift transaction has been “ceased” just days after stating the historic donation was placed on hold. Now, the university’s trustees are investigating the questionable transaction. Its aftermath has caused Shawnta Friday-Stroud,

Grambling State confers 427 degrees during Spring 2024 graduation

Courtesy of Grambling State University Louisiana State Sen. Cleo Fields told 427 new Grambling State University (GSU) graduates to remember they are all somebody who can change the world for the better as he served as the keynote speaker for Spring 2024 Commencement Exercises inside the Fredrick C. Hobdy Assembly Center. It was the first graduation ceremony serving as new GSU President for Dr. Martin Lemelle, who officially took over the helm of the university on April 1. “As you embark on your journey from our campus, remember that true success is not merely about reaching your goal, but about

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