National News - Page 123

The IRS has no plans to bring back a tool that helped low-income Americans get their stimulus checks. Here’s what to do instead

By Katie Lobosco About 8 million low-income people were eligible for stimulus payments last year but never received the money, raising concerns about getting the latest round of help to those most in need — yet there’s no sign the Internal Revenue Service plans to restore a tool that would make it easier. Early in the pandemic, the IRS created a simple online form to allow low-income people who aren’t usually required to file tax returns to provide their contact information to the agency. But that tool has remained offline since November, even after Congress approved two more rounds of

A growing number of US colleges and universities are requiring students to get Covid-19 vaccinations


By Elizabeth Stuart As colleges and universities nationwide make plans to welcome back students in the fall, a growing number have announced they will require all students to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 before returning to campus. So far, at least 14 colleges have said vaccinations will be required, according to a CNN tally — and that number is expected to grow. Universities have been implementing vaccination policies since late March, when Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, became one of the first to say that having all students vaccinated will allow for an “expedited return to pre-pandemic normal,”

You’re vaccinated now, so can you go to a restaurant? What you should know

Kristen Rogers As the vaccinated percentage of the population increases, you may be wondering whether now is finally the time to enjoy a meal that isn’t homemade or takeout. Indoor dining and drinking at restaurants and bars is riskier than some other places for a few reasons, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Not only are people from different households gathering in the same space, but you have to take your mask off to eat and drink. “You still have to be very careful with being in these areas,” said Dr. Ada Stewart, a family physician

There’s a lot of debate about vaccine passports right now. What are they, and how would they work?


By Theresa Waldrop With millions of Americans being vaccinated against Covid-19 every day, a heated debate is underway — do these people need proof of immunization in the form of a vaccine passport? Just like a national passport, a vaccine passport could allow the bearer entrance to a venue, like a crowded concert, or a foreign country that demands proof of vaccination in addition to a visa and valid national passport. Vaccination cards from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention aren’t quite the same as a vaccine passport. Though they are a record of what vaccine a person

Fauci says new Covid-19 cases are at a disturbing level as the US is primed for a surge


By Madeline Holcombe The number of new Covid-19 cases has plateaued at a “disturbingly high level,” and the US is at risk from a new surge, Dr. Anthony Fauci warned on Wednesday. Although off the highs of earlier this year, there were still more than 61,000 new cases reported on Wednesday, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. And the lack of continued significant decreases in infections is a concern, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases told CNN’s Anderson Cooper, particularly given the spread of variants. “It’s almost a race between getting people vaccinated and

Black adults report bias in health care at higher rates than White and Latino people, study finds

By Nicquel Terry Ellis Black adults were more likely than their White and Latino/Hispanic counterparts to report having been discriminated against or judged unfairly by a health care provider or their staff in the months leading up to and during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new analysis finds. The report was released this week by the Urban Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The study, conducted in September 2020, found that 10.6% of Black nonelderly adults said they faced discrimination while seeking care based on their race, sexual orientation, disability, gender or health condition, compared to 3.6% of White adults

Biden moves deadline for all US adults to be eligible for Covid vaccine to April 19


By Kaitlan Collins, Kate Sullivan and Maegan Vazquez President Joe Biden announced on Tuesday that he is moving up his deadline for states to make all American adults eligible for a coronavirus vaccine by almost two weeks, but said Americans must remain on a “war footing” to beat the virus. With all states having opened eligibility to the public or at least having announced when they plan to do so, Biden announced that every adult in the country will be eligible to be vaccinated by April 19, instead of his original deadline of May 1. Speaking at the White House

Breaking News Exclusive: HBCU News reports Congressman Alcee Hastings dies at age 84


Congressman Alcee Hastings has passed away at the age of 84 after battling pancreatic cancer.  A democrat, Hastings represented Florida’s 20th Congressional District, including areas around Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach. He announced in 2019 that he had pancreatic cancer but said he planned on remaining in Congress. The dean of the Florida congressional delegation, Hastings was the longest-serving member from the Sunshine State. A civil rights activist, Hastings became the first African American federal judge in Florida in 1979, but was impeached and convicted by the Senate in 1989. After running for Congress in 1992, he won a

Biden ramps up vaccine diplomacy efforts as hopes rise that he’ll share surplus doses

By Kevin Liptak, Kylie Atwood and Priscilla Alvarez President Joe Biden, well on his way to reaching a new goal of vaccinating 200 million Americans by the end of April, is taking initial steps toward helping other nations ramp up shots, including by boosting global manufacturing and appointing a top global health expert who previously advocated for shipping vaccines from the United States’ surplus abroad. Diplomats view the developments as a sign Biden is moving toward sharing some of the hundreds of millions of doses the United States will have left over once every American is vaccinated. But the President

The fight to define infrastructure could change America


Analysis by Stephen Collinson The meaning of the word “infrastructure” suddenly depends on your politics. President Joe Biden is using a sleight of hand by crafting a bill that might be traditionally associated with repairs to potholed highways to instead be his latest effort to reshape the US economy and social safety net. His move encapsulates the White House’s own sense of momentum and explains why Republicans are lining up to block his ambitions before they change the character of the country. In one example, the President has stretched the definition of infrastructure to insert $400 billion in the bill