Campus News - Page 456

TSU President Glenda Glover Testifies at Congressional Hearing, asks Lawmakers to continue to support HBCUs

By Tennessee State Newsroom Tennessee State University President Glenda Glover testified on Oct. 6 at a virtual congressional hearing about the importance of historically black colleges and universities and urged lawmakers to continue supporting them. The hearing before the House Committee on Education and Labor examined the essential contributions that HBCUs have made, the history that sets these institutions apart, and the enduring challenges and financial needs that they and their students face. “HBCUs have stood the test of time and managed to succeed in spite of the difficulties,” said President Glover. “Now, we need your assistance – your financial

Thermo Fisher Scientific Continues Support for COVID-19 Testing on Historically Black College and University Campuses

By Meharry Medical College Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., (NYSE:TMO) the world leader in serving science,  announced continuing support for The Just Project, a national initiative to provide COVID-19 testing to students, faculty and staff across more than 60 historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) at no cost. A $7.5 million commitment for the 2021-2022 school year will once again provide diagnostic instruments, test kits and related supplies. “A year after we launched The Just Project, COVID-19 cases are increasing again, and testing is critical to ensuring campus safety,” said Fred Lowery, senior vice president and president for customer channels at Thermo Fisher Scientific. “Last

Hancock Whitney’s $25K endowment will help females pursuing degrees in math or business

By Jackson State University, Hancock Whitney has pledged $25,000 to establish the Hancock Whitney Bank Endowed Scholarship at Jackson State University to support undergraduate female students pursuing degrees in mathematics, finance, accounting or economics. While Hancock Whitney is distinguished as one of America’s strongest and safest banks, JSU is one of the largest public Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in the nation and the state’s fourth-largest university.  Meanwhile, Hancock’s principal $25,000 investment will be eligible for a dollar-for-dollar match, based on funds availability, through the university’s Title III matching funds program, with the potential to double the endowment to $50,000. The announcement

NSF awards PVAMU $954K grant to increase number of students pursuing graduate degrees in engineering

By Michael Douglas, Since arriving at Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU) in 2003, Sherri Frizell’s, Ph.D., primary research interest has been on the persistence of African Americans and females in STEM, primarily focusing on K-12 and undergraduate initiatives. Thanks to a $954,000 award from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the associate professor of computer science at PVAMU is expanding her efforts to the graduate level. “We are excited to receive this new S-STEM award from the National Science Foundation in collaboration with Rice, Jackson State, and Texas Southern,” Frizell shared. The four universities have teamed up for this $5 million grant for the project, ‘Improving Access

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Awards the University of the District of Columbia $8.7 Million Towards the Training of Minorities in Public Health Informatics Technology

By University of the District of Columbia Newsroom, The University of the District of Columbia (UDC) was awarded $8.7 million (award # 90PH0007/01-00) from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to create a consortium aimed at identifying and educating individuals from underrepresented backgrounds in public health, informatics and data science over the next four years. The larger $73 million project targets 10 Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) funded through the American Rescue Plan, the ONC’s Public Health Informatics & Technology (PHIT) Workforce Development Program, which seeks to

Howard University’s Chadwick A. Boseman College of Fine Arts Honored at 2021 Shakespeare Theatre Company Gala


Written by Aaliyah Butler  Howard University’s Chadwick A. Boseman College of Fine Arts will be honored as the first recipient of the inaugural Phoenix Award at the ­­annual Shakespeare Theatre Company Gala, “Our Town, Our Shakespeare in the Park” on October 4 at Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts. “I am humbled and thrilled of the Shakespeare Theatre Company’s recognition of our work to reestablish Howard’s College of Fine Arts, now named in honor of our esteemed alumnus, Chadwick A. Boseman,” said Dr. Wayne A. I. Frederick, president of Howard University. “Howard and Shakespeare Theatre Company share a mindset that the fine arts

Dr. Clayton Yates awarded grant from Movember- Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) Challenge to find a cure for prostate cancer

By Tuskegee University Newsroom, Dr. Clayton Yates, professor of biology and director of the university’s multidisciplinary Center for Biomedical Research, secured the 2021 Movember- Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) Challenge Award to support cross-disciplinary pioneering research toward finding cures for prostate cancer. The award, which totals $2 million, is granted to teams at some of the world’s leading cancer research institutions. Under the award, Yates will serve as the principal investigator in creating a digital health tool that will increase ethnic and racial diversity in prostate cancer clinical trials and develop a training program to increase the numbers of underrepresented minorities

U.S. Department of Education’s Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program (MSEIP) Awards Fisk University’s STEM through Rocketry Electronics Engagement and Coding (STEM-TREEC) Program

Courtesy of Fisk University Newsroom, Fisk University announces yet another accolade helping to fulfill President Newkirk’s vision of becoming the No. 1 ranked HBCU in the nation. Fisk is proud to announce Dr. Bryan Kent Wallace, Assistant Professor of Physics has been awarded a $750,000 over three-year Institutional Grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Minority and Engineering Improvement Program (MSEIP).  The Fisk program called, STEM-through Rocketry, Electronics, Engagement, and Coding (STEM-TREEC) is designed to increase retention of STEM students of color and women in Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, and Computer Science and entice them to pursue careers in the various

U.S. Department of Education Funds Morgan State University Program Focused on Youth in Senegal

By Morgan State University, Morgan State University (MSU) has announced the receipt of $97,000 in funding from the U.S. Department of Education to support and conduct a five-week, intensive immersion program in Senegal. The program, made possible by a Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad grant, will promote the professional development of a group of U.S.-based educators and students, and the creation of curricula to guide them in teaching the history, culture and educational structures and policies of the western African republic. The title of the project is “Senegal in the New Millennium Challenge. History, Education, Culture and Youth Social and Civic Engagement. Implications for

Diversity at Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Written by Dr. Marybeth Gasman Today’s student bodies at HBCUs boast considerable diversity. Why is it that people assume that Historically White Institutions are diverse, yet in the same breath assume that Historically Black Institutions are not? And, when I say people—I mean all kinds of people—of various racial and ethnic backgrounds. If you take a look at the nation’s Historically White Institutions (HWIs), you’ll find that most are not that diverse unless they are located in urban areas. These institutions, although legally no longer segregated, are far from integrated—especially the more elite, selective institutions. If you look at the

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